
Surround yourself with worthy people, with people who can give something back. There is a good quote “Show Me Your Friends and I Can Tell Who You Are”. Look for mutually benefiting relationships with people, don’t waste your time on those who are not worth. At the same time, make sure to give something  back too. You can’t just sit there and wish for the best. Be the Best, to get the Best
Sincerely yours,
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Live your own dreams


Stop wasting your time on living the others’ people dream. Have YOUR own DREAM! This life is too short to do something that doesn’t fit your goals and dreams in life! Yes, people won’t like that. Yes, there will be a lot of naysayers. But, what you will have is something that outweights all that, you will be doing something you LOVE, something that makes you HAPPY! and guess what? As time will be passing by, the people who once hated you for that, now, havign observed a true congruence and happiness will be striving towards you, trynna live up your dreams.

And keep in mind….If you chose a path with no obstacles, it probably leads nowhere…

Stay strong and congruent

Sincerely yours,


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Everytime when you are standing there and not knowing how the hell are you going to do it, just remind yourself that you have been there thousand times before. No matter how unrealistic it seems to be, you have already been there and done that. Put your head down, put in the work and GET THE RESULTS! You can find million excuses “why you can’t do it” but all you need is one legit reason “why you should do it”. It may seem impossible at first but guess what, you start from one thing, then onto the other and the everything gets moving. 
Ultimately all YOU NEED to do is to START.
Sincerely yours,
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